How these guys still don't have a record deal is beyond me
In a music world filled with machine-pressed rock outfits, carefully molded down to the proper amount of shagginess of the lead singers hair, it's bands like these that are careful reminders that there is still such a thing as indie rock in the most literal sense. Out of Brooklyn, these guys have essentially been selling their albums themselves, and more recently have only been making it available online, and now on iTunes. A great amount of hype has been built however, based on glowing reviews (and you can add this one to that list), as well as constant touring. Now these guys just need to find a home on a record label. After hearing only bits and pieces of the album, I finally got my hands on a copy, and really, let me save you time in just saying go buy this album now. Need convincing? Okay, fair enough. The carnival like opening of "Clap Your Hands!" draws you into the world of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, it's a tad quirky, but also incredibly endearing. Then listening to tracks like "The Skin of my Yellow Country Teeth," "Heavy Metal" and the astonishing "Is This Home On Ice" you'll find that these guys have a great aptitude for combining the elements of traditional indie rock, atmospheric rock, and even some elements of shoegaze/dream pop. They manage to accomplish all of this without losing their identity, or sounding like they're playing a game of "guess our influences and which one we're trying to sound like now." Even on their most outright pop song, the lovely "Over and Over Again (Lost and Found)" there is still no loss of identity, and the band sounds so comfortable that it almost appears that the whole album making process was relatively effortless, and that's a definite good thing. On the primarily drum and bass "Gimme Some Salt," Alec Ounsworth playfully mutters along his lines, and reinforces his prowess, particularly when barking out traditional 80's vocals. You can call them a Talking Heads rip off if you'd like, but while everyone else is drooling over other indie bands like Wolf Parade and Deerhoof, smile and nod while you listen to the best thing that's happened this year in indie rock music.
Hey man - I haven't given this an ear but want to just 'cause of the jacket. Bought the J Cullom - crazy 'bout the dude's sound ya know? Don't know what it is - some of his tunes grab me. Listen - do you graze on NYCO? Haven't heard them but heard of them -you wrapped your ears round them yet? We generally come to the city the weekend/Friday after Thanksgiving - any clues of live perfs happening that would be good to see? Check you later - too much hangin', too little sleep, too much espresso to do too much work in too little time. Axle Grease
Can't seem to get away from this cover - will probably buy the cd based on it. But picked up the latest Ryan Adam's - whats up with that one? Didn't like it, depressed me, the sound didn't do anything for me - what was he thinking? Anything new and decent out? Haven't heard - how d'you find all these sounds? Class- gotta go...ag
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