While more serious than many of its contemporaries, Layer Cake is quite the treat
Starring: Daniel Craig, Colm Meany, Sienna Miller, Michael Gambon
Written by: J.J. Connolly (Based on his book, Layer Cake)
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Layer Cake, while directed by the same producer that worked on such projects as Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, doesn't follow the same fast-paced action that the other films prided themselves on. Instead, Layer Cake, as it's name implies slowly makes it's way through the layers of the British drug-ring world, which is the same world that XXXX (Daniel Craig) tries to escape. The plot twists and turns throughout the course of the movie, and takes on quite the ride, all the while the performances, particularly that of Daniel Craig, put the exclamation point on an already well-made film. While playing more or less of the unlikely hero, Daniel Craig adds so much depth to what would otherwise be just another one-dimensional drug smuggler that it makes the movie all the more enjoyable. The cinematography is outstanding, often connecting two events seamlessly to the point that they would appear to be the same event, and the screenplay does an exceptional job of accentuating the analytical depths that were focused on for the movie, without being tiresome. Perhaps the strongest suit to the movie is it's attention to details, whether it be explaining backstories of the characters or the development of plot twists, there are very few broken links to be found. This is a wonderfully made film, particularly considering this is the directorial debut of Matthew Vaughn, that could easily benefit from repeated viewings. Mix that with a great script and an outstanding acting performance by Daniel Craig, and Layer Cake truly is a winner.
Overall rating: ★★★★¾